My First Wedding Show Appearance!
What a lovely sunny day and I'm still creating to make absolutely sure that I have some of the best examples of Alternative Bespoke Bouquets & Buttonholes for you to get ideas, of what I can create especially to reflect your own unique weddings ideas. My very first wedding show is in just a few weeks time, please come and visit me to see the real thing instead of photographs (not that I have actually posted pictures of all my bespoke bridal bouquets yet!). It is just me not 'we', although Barley may make an appearance if he is allowed!

Please get in touch with me if you are interested in seeing my creations with all their sparkles, in real life! Remember I can make alternative jewellery and accessories to go with all my bespoke bridal bouquets! I'm currently sewing a bridal sash and creating a tiara to match buttonholes, what about having your shoes embellished to match your bouquet?